Report 2022

Planting in the Porto community garden

Report 2022

Porto headquarters in Campos Elísios,
in São Paulo (SP)

Message from
the President

Roberto Santos Chief Executive Officer and
Investor Relations Officer 
Roberto Santos

In 2022, Porto restructured the brand architecture and consolidated the creation of three independent business verticals, aimed at different market segments: insurance (Porto Seguro), financial business (Porto Bank) and health (Porto Saúde); in addition to the area dedicated to automotive and residential assistance and various services. The corporate brand became just Porto, and the management of products and services was directed to the three independent businesses.

Even in the midst of a challenging scenario, Porto continued to increase the presence in the market, and recorded the highest revenue growth in a decade in the year. And we continue to deepen the environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects of sustainability in our operations – paying special attention to the reduction of natural resources, the recycling and reuse of automotive parts, and community support initiatives.

Highlights 2022

12.3 million unique customers
13 thousand employees
33 thousand independent brokers
13 thousand service providers
BRL 28 billion total annual revenue + 29.5% compared to 2021
BRL 1,134.8 billion in recurring net income
BRL 15 billion in market value
1st place in the auto, home and business insurance market
3rd largest insurer in the country
188 million interactions and digital services
36 million human assistances
3.1 million car calls
1.8 million residential service calls
of service calls
via the Porto App and WhatsApp 
Porto App Rating at 4.8/5.0 on the Apple Store and 4.7/5.0 on the Play Store 
Supporter of Rock in Rio
Sponsor of the São Paulo Formula 1 Grand Prix

ESG Strategy

Porto's philosophy in relation to the sustainable economy is solid and seeks perpetuity, including all the company's gear – management, employees, stakeholders and suppliers. The company develops and continuously implements multidisciplinary, efficient, economical and lower risk strategies in relation to socio-environmental management. Therefore, it is part of the company's strategy to seek to integrate the ESG strategy with the culture and with the model and way of doing business.
The business is guided according to the following guidelines:
Create specific mechanisms and criteria
for the assessment and underwriting of socio-environmental risks in its products and services, which consider sustainability concepts and are in accordance with potential socio-environmental damages;
Guiding the product and service teams
to minimize or avoid their socio-environmental impacts, with regard to the acquisition of inputs, use of resources and generation of waste;
Comply with the legal requirements
linked to the business and the sustainability commitments voluntarily subscribed by the Porto Group, such as SDG, PSI and Humanity Heritage;
Develop new businesses
and, whenever possible, update existing ones by identifying opportunities offered by Sustainability in the life cycle of products and services; 
Consider, whenever possible, ESG aspects
and their impacts on business processes, projects and activities, prioritizing the most significant ones, as well as establishing indicators for monitoring;
Study ways of introducing socio-environmental issues
and the risks of climate change, as well as their potential impacts, including financial ones, in investment decision-making.
Porto is now a signatory to the UN Global Compact and is publicly committed to the Ten Principles universally accepted in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption, in addition to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), by 2030.

Material Themes

Diversity and Human Rights

Preventive action, to avoid the occurrence of discrimination and the results of measures adopted; and proactive, for equal opportunities. Guarantee of equity and promotion of inclusion in terms of color/race, gender, age, regional origin, disabled people, race and sexuality, in addition to guaranteeing respect for plurality of opinions. Ensuring processes that inhibit and deal with cases of human rights violations in operations and in the value chain - both at suppliers and customers. 

Ethics, integrity and compliance

Organizations that wish to be perennial have in their culture and way of managing their businesses with integrity and ethics. All employees, processes and company policies are guided by this. Ethics and responsibility are the values that guide the essence, the great guide for the company's conduct. Always focusing on accounting transparency; compliance with standards, laws; promotion of the code of conduct and ethical attributes in organizational processes, and combating anti-competitive practices, corruption, money laundering and other illicit activities. 

Customer experience and service quality

Customer relationship management, considering the customer journey, satisfaction management and service channels. Understanding customer needs and providing quality service are drivers of customer loyalty and satisfaction. Porto focuses its efforts in this direction, directing its efforts to understand and respond to the customer's point of view, generating better experiences and healthier and lasting relationships. Monitoring and engagement are essential steps in managing the company's business, and extend beyond monitoring statistics and solving problems that arrive in the service channels. 

Management of the supply chain and suppliers

Monitoring and development of suppliers, definition of criteria for selection of suppliers and engagement and management of relationships with service providers. 

Socio-environmental risk management and climate change 

Identification and management of social and environmental risks, especially those related to climate change, which may impact the business model and the value chain, considering carrying out stress tests and analyzing scenarios. Analysis of climate issues in our businesses and management of operational eco-efficiency, in addition to the development of environmental projects carried out in buildings, headquarters and branches. Management of greenhouse gas emissions from business and operations. 

Positive impact and inclusive business opportunities

Meeting the demands of customers and society is part of the company's management strategy. This is done through products and services aligned with the needs of stakeholders, the moment in the country and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) aspects, with a focus on positive socio-environmental impact and accessible and inclusive products and services. The maximization of this impact takes place through an open look at innovations and partnerships as a way of meeting the different demands of the various stakeholders. In the business portfolio, offer specific solutions with a positive impact and socio-environmental attributes and boost the positive impact ecosystem. 

Data privacy and security

Secure management of the collection, retention and use of sensitive and confidential data, ensuring cybersecurity and privacy in the use of information, in compliance with the General Data Protection Law (LGPD acronym in portuguese)

Relationship with society and community 

The company's activities with surrounding communities, results obtained and responsible governance. The organization seeks, through its operations, products and services, to generate shared value for all its stakeholders, through inclusive products, volunteer actions and training of people. We seek to strengthen dialogue channels with society; impact management and education and development actions in society.

Valorization of human capital

Satisfied employees are more committed to providing better services to our customers, who, in turn, tend to be more loyal to the company, establishing lasting relationships. This is how we seek to create shared value, achieve positive results, and encourage employee appreciation. A welcoming, ethical, and diverse environment allows us to attract and retain talents aligned with the company's culture. The care taken with employees, with their health and working conditions, and their preparation for the challenges the company faces allows for greater satisfaction and happiness, as well as a creative environment with high potential.

Sustainability in Business

  • Solutions that contribute to the 2030 Agenda: Quality education (SDG 4), natural resources (SDG 6 and 7), sustainable cities (SDG 11), waste management and responsible consumption (SDG 12), as well as climate change (SDG 13) and life on earth (SDG 15)
  • 30 charging stations for electric and hybrid vehicles in Greater São Paulo
  • Use of 46 electric bicycles, plus light and light winches
  • Right Step Initiative: 28.49 thousand attendances
  • 54% of claims adjustments were made digitally, avoiding the need to travel and reducing GHG emissions
  • 2,472 vehicles dismantled by Renova Ecopeças with 3,119 tons of automotive waste recycled and 58,000 reused parts sold
  • Launch of the pilot project “Sustainable Disposal” of electronic waste resulting from accidents
  • BRL 4.48 million in credits sold via consortium for the acquisition of electric bicycles and motorcycles
  • BRL 1.967 million in credits sold via consortium for the acquisition of solar panels and other equipment
  • 11,700 customers registered on the Conquista Platform
  • Partnership with Flora Energia to facilitate the purchase of solar energy
  • +Sustentável Consortium: BRL 1.27 million in credits for electric bicycles and motorcycles, and BRL 572 thousand for solar panels
  • Electric ambulance: vehicle enables 87.33% reduction in GHG emissions
  • Emotional Health Programs
  • Porto Cuida: digital subscription service that promotes health care, well-being and lifestyle
  • 73.6 thousand services on the online platform
  • 67,526 consultations on the Alô Saúde platform

Relationship with strategic stakeholders


  • New working model, more
  • Climate and Engagement
    Survey: positive index of 78%
  • GPTW: 3rd place in the Large
    Companies category
  • Juntos Programm (Programa
    Juntos with focus on diversity
    and inclusion


  • Partnership with social institutions through Instituto Porto for education and professionalization
  • Support for Associação Crescer Sempre projects
  • 43,000 people impacted by Campos Elíseos +Gentil Association initiatives
  • Porto Voluntário activities with more than 700 volunteer employees and almost 3800 hours of activities
  • More than 7,800 hours of educational activities in the Ação Educa Program
  • More than 750 people trained in professional courses


  • More efficient technological solutions, such as the Porto Application
  • Service area recognition campaigns
  • Exclusive benefits for Rock in Rio and Formula 1 customers
  • 90% resolution of customer
    issues in the first call


  • Publishing initiatives
  • +600 thousand participations in training
  • +73 thousand trails performed
  • NPS of 89 in 2022


  • 6.1 thousand qualified suppliers
  • Third Party Risk Management Program
  • 100% of suppliers did not have negative environmental impacts

Environmental Management

Socioenvironmental education 

  • Sustainability Season: 163
    educational actions
  • Sustainability and ESG Journey: 2.99 thousand contents made available
  • Socio-environmental Agents
    Project: 399 actions carried out


  • Improvement in the
    monitoring of reused
    water consumption
  • Installation of new water


  • Use of LED lamps and
    presence sensors
  • Earth Hour Program: savings
    of 41,220 kWh
  • 1.074.965 kWh of energy
    generated by solar panels
  • 26.374 million kWh of energy

GHG emissions

  • 1,184 Scope 1: -33% in emissions
    due to lower fleet fueling and
    use of refrigerant gases
  • 2,592 Scope 2: +92% in
    emissions due to the high
    emission factor of electricity
  • 46,734 Scope 3: +48% in
    emissions for the highest
    number of km traveled with the
    Signature Car


  • 57.5% of the waste generated
    at the Headquarters is destined
    for recycling
  • “Um Copo para Chamar de
    Meu” (“A Cup to Call Mine”)
    movement: 68% savings in the
    use of single-use plastic cups

Reverse logistic

  • 15,000 returned items sold and
    reverted to around BRL 2.3 million
    for Porto
  • 307 items donated to
    institutions, representing BRL 160
    thousand and savings for NGOs
    supported by Porto
  • 2,124 discarded uniforms, which
    generated 1,607kWh of power
    through co-processing; and
    disposal of 112 kilos of cells and

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